About Us
Inspire Fire is dedicated to sharing the message of God's love and transforming lives through evangelism.

Inspire Fire
Our Mission: to preach the gospel, heal and revive all peoples, in particular our Indigenous brothers and sisters, through the love of Jesus, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wade's Story
"I was born and raised on a small Métis settlement in Northern Saskatchewan. Throughout my growing up life I had to overcome many challenges such as my parents separating when I was a toddler, alcoholism and a brief time in foster care.
I looked for God at a young age, but eventually became an atheist. I became addicted to alcohol and drugs after high school. It was a downward spiral.
One morning I was travelling back from a weekend of partying with friends and I heard a voice speak to me in my language (Cree) and also in English telling me to put my seatbelt on. I was passed out in the passenger seat, but the voice persisted so I finally obeyed. A few minutes later the truck flipped over.
This accident tragically claimed the life of my best friend at the time. I tried to stop drinking, but it only lasted a couple months before I started again. I was in another vehicle accident soon after, but this time I was the one driving. I lost my driver’s license, my job and I hit rock bottom.
But God. Around this time (1999-2000) revival was breaking out in my community. Many of my friends that I used to party with were giving their lives to Jesus. One of these friends invited me to a tent meeting happening in my community. I reluctantly went. Little did he know that my life would change forever that night.
The presence of God was so strong when I walked into that meeting that I began to weep. I heard that same voice that spoke to me in the vehicle years before. He said in Cree how much He loved me. I realized it was the voice of Jesus. He had saved my life back then and I was experiencing His true love for the first time in my life.
I encountered Jesus’ forgiveness and in turn was able to forgive others. I gave my life to Jesus that night. I wept in the presence of God for days. I started sharing the love of Jesus with others right away. Now because of my testimony I can give this love and power of Jesus to so many trapped in darkness. Hallelujah!
With my beautiful wife Jenny we launched Inspire Fire Ministries in November of 2021. We have seen hundreds of people give their lives to Jesus and experience the power of Jesus through miracles, signs and wonders."
Jenny's Story
I was born and raised in Southern Ontario. I said the sinner’s prayer at age 7, but didn’t fully surrender my whole life to Jesus until I was 24 years old. Looking back I see God’s hand on my life as He led me through a lot of trauma and into freedom. He’s set me on fire and there’s no other life for me outside of Christ.
In 2014 I stepped out of my career as a public school teacher and into a ministry internship. It was a powerful year of transformation and growth for me. I interned at my local church in Ontario following graduation in Spring of 2015, then went on to complete the “Nazarite Internship” at the National House of Prayer in Ottawa. From there the Holy Spirit led me to Saskatchewan, where I met Wade and I completed my Masters degree in Biblical Studies.
There’s nothing I love more than to see lives changed by the love and power of the gospel. My heart burns for revival. We (all of us as Spirit filled believers) are revival carriers.
“Light yourself on fire with passion, and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” - John Wesley
Wades areas of expertise are: preaching, sharing his testimony of freedom from addiction, and Indigenous ministry (He is also fluent in Cree).
Jenny is passionate about women’s ministry.
Their ministry is characterized by compassion, inclusivity, and a deep understanding of diverse cultures.